#VAASL Ready 

VAASL is pleased to share resources to support you as you plan for continuing library services in on-site, blended, and virtual learning environments.

VAASL Resources

VAASL Ready button

An advocacy infographic showing how READY librarians are to support student learning.

A #VAASLReady Guide to help you transfer learning from on-site to blended or virtual experiences. The document is intended to be editable so that you can adapt it for your specific needs.

#VAASLReady Guide [Word]

#VAASLReady Guide [PDF]

#VAASLReady buttons for you to share your readiness and support for the upcoming school year.

A #VAASLReady forum is open as a Community Discussion topic to discuss back-to-school ideas, plans, and questions.

Affiliate Resources

VAASL is a chapter of the American Association of School Librarians, also an affiliate of the American Library Associations. Both organizations have support for libraries.

ALA COVID-19 Recovery

AASL Pandemic Resources for School Libraries

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